the mighty bore

Before I start boring everyone, some cake and an introduction to Somewhere Boring. Ok, I lied about the cake. But here's an introduction: This blog came about when I discovered that my life was just too boring for it not to have a blog. I mean, come on. Who else's life is so bore-tastic that it contains: lectures from a very articulate man with a very articulate hairstyle, 8.24am bus runs, many hours spent in a striped dressing gown drinking cranberry juice, and numerous magazine pages falling off the wall. THAT is some boring stuff, right there.
Here's the deal: I'll put down stuff that I think might be sort of funny or interesting or, most importantly, IMPORTANT. Or boring. I'll also bore you with boring stuff about boring people.

As Homer memorably said: I am a revolving door of six poets all of whom know what they're talking about. 
And believe me, when I say that I know what I'm talking about, I know what I'm talking about. 

Sort of.

Bon Bore, Bon blog!

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